
About Us

Organization Vision and Objectives:

The mission of KASHBA YOUTH is to empower poor and weaker sections of the society through Education, enlightenment, participation and organization building for the establishment of a self reliant, self sufficient and just society.

The vision of KASHBA YOUTH is:

  • Enlightenment through knowledge, information, awareness
  • Empowerment through knowledge, consciousness about rights and grassroots actions
  • Development through participation, local level planning and shared responsibility
  • Growth by realizing the inherent potentials of individual and communities
  • And finally to sustain the development process with transparency, accountability

The objectives of KASHBA YOUTH are as follows(as per byelaw)

A To acquire, establish, start, aid, run, maintain or manage schools, colleges, libraries, hospitals for the benefit of the public.
B To arrange and organize lectures, debates, discussions, seminars and execution for the diffusion of knowledge.
C To publish or cause to be published useful literatures, papers, magazines, books etc.
D To study, cultivate and demonstrate the art of music and dancing.
E To promote and encourage advancement of literary, cultural, political, religious, scientific and technical education,
F To help the needy students of all communities for the prosecution of studies;
G To collect and preserve manuscripts, painting, sculptures, works of art, antiquities, natural history specimens, mechanical & scientific instruments and designs;
H To help the aged, sick, helpless and indigent persons;
I To alleviate the sufferings of animals;
J To engage and assist in such other philanthropic activities as may be decided appropriate by the Governing body of the Society;
K To collect donation and subscriptions for the purpose of the Society;
L To construct, maintain, improve, develop and alter any buildings, houses or other works necessary or convenient for the purpose of the Society.
M To do all such things as may be deemed incidental or conducive to the attainment of the foregoing objects.
N To do all social welfare activities in the localities for their welfare of the people.
O To work for the happiness of the needy people for their primary need such as food, cloth, education etc.
P P. To maintain the library for the welfare of the poor people provided any Government empowered/will empower the society to undertake such activities.
Q To aware the people about health and to arrange for free medical treatment to the needy patients by the qualified doctors
R To help to form self-help group for the development of the poor people and to the extent applicable under section 4 (2) of the West Bengal Societies Registration Act. 1961.
S To establish and maintain basic training centre to give training to the interested persons by the qualified and experienced trainers for their self dependence in life.
T T. To organize different types of programme for poor masses of different categories including S.C.,S.T. ,Minorities, specially for Muslim communities and other backward classes and other disadvantages population both men and women for their upliftment through socially, economically and educationally.
U To give necessary relief to the affected in times of flood, famine, pestilence and other calamities caused by nature.
V To establish and maintain basic and education centre to remove the illiteracy.
W To impart and develop social awareness among the illiterate women and men by organizing awareness camps from time to time.
X To organize an ambulance for free rendering service to the needy patients.
Y To establish and maintain a Library for the benefit of the public and to help the needy student of all communities for their studies.
Z To conduct training programmes of livestock, agriculture, pisi-culture, floriculture, etc. for rural and urban development.
ZI To arrange for education on computer in different primary school, with the help of the local bodies and different sectors of Government and non -government.
ZII To help the needy people in marriage, funeral and cremation of the dead.
ZIII To improve the social cultural life of the people by organizing various social and cultural functions from time to time.
ZIV To arrange and organize blood donation camp form time to time.
ZV To give training to the farmers in cultivating their agricultural land through Scientific methods for their development.
ZVI To affiliate itself with such other recognized organizations, bodies, societies whose objects are fully or partly similar.
ZVII To encourage the unemployed youth in various small scale industries schemes for their self-dependent in life.
ZVIII To run vocational training centre for the women for attaining experience and / or skillness in the trades.
ZIX To establish and maintain old aged home, orphanage, etc. for the shelter of old aged people, orphans without any profit making motive.
ZX To Establish and maintain the vocational training centre by qualified and experienced trainers for their self dependence and employment in life.
ZXI To organize programme and activity related to persons with disability for their up- liftment through socially economically and educationally.


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